Beyond Borders: AI Tackles Global Banking Challenges

July 17, 2024
In the realm of global finance, correspondent banking plays a pivotal role, facilitating transactions between financial institutions across borders.

AI-Powered AML: A New Era for Correspondent Banks

July 17, 2024
Correspondent Banking has always been considered a high-risk area for banks due to the nature of international money flows and the multiple jurisdictions of regulations to adhere to.

AI in Correspondent Banking: Overcoming Complex Threats

July 11, 2024
Staying ahead of complex illegal activities has become a formidable challenge for compliance officers and risk managers.

The Compliance Officer’s Guide to AI: Insights from the Wolfsberg Statement

July 10, 2024
Let’s take a look at the latest Wolfsberg Group Statement on “Effective Monitoring for Suspicious Activity” 2024 and see what it means for us in the world of anti-money laundering (AML) and countering the financing of terrorism (CFT).

ThetaRay Transaction Monitoring Solution: Combating Human Trafficking with Tailored Detection

June 6, 2024
In the unrelenting fight against human trafficking, artificial intelligence, specifically machine learning, has emerged as a powerful tool revolutionizing how financial institutions detect and combat this abhorrent crime. We had the privilege of sitting down with Gal Bar, ThetaRay Transaction Monitoring Product Manager, who shed light on our cutting-edge approach leveraging tailored models to identify even the most insidious financial footprints linked to human trafficking operations. Tailored Detection of Human Trafficking Footprints  “Our solution can identify suspicious transaction patterns indicative of human trafficking,” Gal explains. “However, the true power lies in our ability to contextualize and enrich these models with customer-specific data and risk typologies.” We collaborate closely with financial institutions and subject matter experts to fine-tune our algorithms to each client’s unique risk exposure. This tailored approach ensures the models can precisely dissect the organization’s transaction data to pinpoint money flows potentially tainted by human trafficking proceeds. Streamlined Workflow for Rapid Response  As a product manager, Gal’s role is to seamlessly integrate these highly customized detection capabilities into our unified platform. “We streamline the entire workflow – from data ingestion and model execution to alert prioritization and case management,” she explains. “This allows analysts to quickly evaluate potential threat leads and escalate them to the proper authorities.” “New payment methods such as cryptocurrencies and alternative transfer mechanisms are adding complexity to the fight against human trafficking. We’re continuously enhancing our products to fit the ever-changing financial world,” says Gal. “This enables us to analyze not only traditional bank transactions but also remittances, cash payments, and any other data our clients provide.”  Empowering Women in Tech to Protect Victims  As a woman making a difference in the tech industry, Gal finds empowerment in knowing that her work contributes to protecting victims of human trafficking worldwide. “It feels good to be part of a product that helps do good in the world,” she says. “Even if we don’t directly prevent these crimes, our solution provides law enforcement with invaluable leads and insights to aid their investigations into human trafficking rings.” With our tailored risk detection for end-to-end transaction monitoring, we are arming financial institutions with the power to detect and combat against human trafficking and help safeguard victims of this horrible crime.     Written by: Gal Bar, Data Product Manager, ThetaRay

Customer Risk Assessment with AI: Insights from ThetaRay’s experts

June 2, 2024
Vered Gottesman, CMO at ThetaRay, and Nitzan Solomon, VP of Product at ThetaRay talk about our latest product innovation: ThetaRay Customer Risk Assessment.