The Hidden Costs of False Positives And How They Impact Your Bottom Line

November 22, 2023
In the world of business, we're bound to encounter our fair share of shady dealings. Picture this: your customer is ordering, but their delivery address doesn’t match the address on their card. Red flag, isn’t it? Or, your loyal customer, Joe, is suddenly going all out with a massive order. That doesn’t sound like your usual Joe. And here's another head-scratcher – orders are raining in, but they're all small fries in terms of money.

Cracking Financial Crime: OpenAI Solution for a Futuristic Investigation Makeover

November 13, 2023
In today's ever-evolving landscape of financial crime, the integration of AI capabilities has become not just an option but a necessity. This strategic alliance between artificial intelligence and human analysts has the potential to revolutionize the way we approach financial crime investigation and reporting. At ThetaRay, we understand the power of AI in this critical domain and have embarked on a groundbreaking collaboration with the technology based on OpenAI to redefine the rules of the game.

Grey List / Black List Update 2023

September 10, 2023
The Grey List and the Black List, created by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), categorize countries based on their perceived risks and compliance with international standards in countering financial crimes. The FATF is an intergovernmental organization established to combat money laundering, terrorist financing, and other financial crimes globally. The Grey List  The Grey List, officially known as “Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring,” consists of countries with strategic deficiencies in their frameworks to combat money laundering, terrorist financing, and proliferation financing. These countries are urged to take corrective measures. The Black List The Black List, referred to as “High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action,” includes countries considered severe criminal threats to financial systems. These countries may be involved in activities like weapons proliferation or have not met FATF’s Anti-Money Laundering/Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) requirements. As a result, FATF member nations are recommended to implement stricter compliance measures, including enhanced due diligence for transactions involving countries on the Black List. According to the FATF, here are the countries that are currently blacklisted and greylisted (updated June 2023): Black List – High-Risk Jurisdictions Subject to a Call for Action: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Iran Myanmar The Grey List – Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring  Albania Barbados Burkina Faso Cameroon Cayman Islands Croatia Democratic Republic of Congo Gibraltar Haiti Jamaica Jordan Mali Mozambique Nigeria Panama Philippines Senegal South Africa South Sudan Syria Tanzania Turkey Uganda United Arab Emirates Vietnam Yemen For more information, visit 

AML in the US Market – Navigating the Path for Growth or Sinking Boat?

August 3, 2023
  Recent incidents of bank collapse, hefty fines, and sanctions against the crypto market have highlighted the gaps between the strictness of the regulatory environment in the US and common risk management standards. While the expectations are clear, banks and financial service providers are still struggling to effectively manage risks, particularly in Anti-Money Laundering (AML). Despite multiple fines and sanctions, some institutions have failed to improve their controls rapidly. One such example is Deutsche Bank, which recently faced a $186 million fine from the Federal Reserve for insufficient AML progress. This reflects the ongoing challenge faced by financial institutions in executing Financial Crime risk management controls efficiently. However, some institutions have found a solution in advanced AI technology which has enabled them to meet regulatory expectations with greater efficiency and responsiveness. The Role of Regulators Regulators play a critical role in shaping the AML landscape and ensuring compliance with stringent standards. However, there is a concerning distance between the efforts invested by financial institutions and the actual outcomes achieved. Institutions often prioritize appearing compliant over truly trusting their own controls. Albert Einstein’s famous quote, “Insanity is doing the same things and expecting different results,” rings true here.  Even regulators recognize the need for a less conservative approach, incorporating new technologies to improve AML practices. The mutual interest in maintaining a stable and efficient financial system binds all stakeholders, including regulators. Root Cause Analysis – How Did We Get Here? Twenty five years ago, banks were the primary players in the financial sector. The September 11 attacks and the subsequent “Patriot Act” exposed a critical problem – banks lacked a comprehensive understanding of AML compliance and their crucial role as “gatekeepers” defending society against bad actors. In response, standards were raised, and banks adopted stricter controls, with the US becoming a global leader in the fight against financial crimes. The pivotal moment came with the HSBC Deferred Prosecution Agreement in 2012, where regulators emphasized a zero-tolerance approach to failures in Financial Crime controls. Since then, compliance standards have only become more stringent, and banks have made several upgrades to their AML practices. However, despite these efforts, satisfactory outcomes remain elusive in many cases. In the next blog post, we will delve into how to move forward from this challenging situation. By acknowledging the current state of affairs and understanding the roles of regulators and financial institutions, we can pave the way for more effective and efficient AML practices that rebuild trust in the financial system. Stay tuned for our exploration of potential solutions and a path toward growth in the fight against financial crimes. Written by: Yaron Hazan, VP Regulatory Affairs at ThetaRay

Unraveling the Distinction: Fraud vs. Money Laundering

July 20, 2023
In the world of financial crimes, two terms stand out prominently – fraud and money laundering. Both illicit activities have far-reaching consequences on individuals, organizations, and even entire economies. Understanding the nuances between fraud and money laundering is crucial in combatting these threats effectively. In this blog, we will delve into the fundamental differences between these two financial crimes and explore the distinct approaches taken by their respective solutions – anti-fraud and anti-money laundering products. Defining Fraud Fraud is a deliberate act of deception or misrepresentation with the intent of obtaining financial gain or causing harm to others. Perpetrators of fraud often employ cunning tactics to swindle individuals, businesses, or governments. Examples of fraud include identity theft, credit card fraud, and investment scams. The primary focus of fraudsters is on securing immediate monetary benefits, and their schemes can be perpetrated through various channels, targeting unsuspecting victims. Defining Money Laundering On the other hand, money laundering involves the process of disguising the origins of illegally obtained funds, making them appear legitimate. Criminals involved in various illicit activities, such as drug trafficking, corruption, or terrorism, generate substantial sums of “dirty” money. Money laundering allows them to integrate these illicit funds into the legitimate financial system, thus avoiding detection and seizure. The objective of money laundering is to “clean” the money and render it usable without raising suspicions. Comparing Solutions Anti-Fraud Products Anti-fraud products are designed to detect, prevent, and mitigate fraudulent activities across various sectors. These solutions often leverage advanced technologies, data analytics, and machine learning algorithms to identify suspicious transactions, patterns, and behaviors. They work proactively to protect individuals and organizations from financial losses and reputational damage caused by fraudsters. These products often employ real-time monitoring and alerts to raise red flags when fraudulent activities are detected, enabling prompt action to be taken. Anti-Money Laundering Products Anti-money laundering (AML) products, on the other hand, have a different focus. They are specialized in detecting and thwarting money laundering attempts within the financial system. AML solutions sift through vast volumes of financial data, searching for unusual patterns and activities that may indicate money laundering. These products assist financial institutions in complying with stringent regulatory requirements, such as Know Your Customer (KYC) and Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR), ensuring that potential money laundering risks are duly identified and reported. Many financial institutions are still using rules-based systems, which are often slow to scale and have a high number of false positives. Newer solutions leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) that is semi-supervised or unsupervised that can detect potential money laundering at a high level of  Below, we’ve highlighted the key differences in this chart:  Conclusion Fraud and money laundering are two distinct but interconnected financial crimes that pose significant threats to individuals, businesses, and global economies. While fraud involves intentional deception for personal gain, money laundering deals with the integration of illicit funds into the legitimate financial system. Anti-fraud products focus on safeguarding against deceptive schemes, while anti-money laundering products con+ concentrate on detecting suspicious financial activities

Mark Gazit passes the baton to Peter Reynolds, who has been appointed as the next CEO of ThetaRay.

June 15, 2023
Peter Reynolds, a Fintech Industry Veteran, who served as Thetaray’s Chief Revenue Officer (CRO), alongside Mark Gazit, for the past two years, will now lead the company for continued strong international expansion. Hod HaSharon, June 15, 2023 – ThetaRay, is a category leader, providing AI-powered transaction monitoring solutions, servicing leading global banks, FinTechs, and regulators.  The company announced today the appointment of Peter Reynolds as its next CEO. Peter is succeeding Mark Gazit, who served as the company’s CEO and is now shifting to an advisory role. Mark, together with Peter, has jointly led ThetaRay’s successful go-to-market strategy during the last two years. During that period, the company grew 5X in ARR and added more than 50 customers across North America, Europe, APAC, Africa, LATAM, and ANZ. Peter brings with him over 20 years of experience in FinTech, leading GTM organizations for market leaders such as  Earnix, Fundtech, Reval, and Thomson Financial. Mark Gazit will continue to serve in ThetaRay, handling strategic business opportunities in an advisory capacity. “We thank Mark for the important role he has played in recent years and his contribution to establishing the company’s international operations,” said Erel Margalit, founder and executive Chairperson of JVP, and Chairman of ThetaRay. “With ThetaRay’s presence in America, Europe, Israel, APAC, and the Arab world, ThetaRay will continue its market leadership, powered by its AI-based solutions, for creating a safer world, enabling safe cross-border money transfers and payments in the financial services, banking and insurance industries worldwide. We congratulate Peter on his new role as the company’s CEO, and we are confident that he will accelerate the already strong results he has achieved with ThetaRay. Peter’s experience in creating value and financial growth in global companies, as well as his deep understanding of ThetaRay and the global financial market, will lead ThetaRay to continued significant growth in the coming years and position it as an international market leader.” Mark Gazit, the former CEO of ThetaRay, added: “I am proud to have managed the company, through early-growth stages, leading it to become a category leader, and am now passing on the reins, transitioning to an advisory capacity. The choice of Peter Reynolds, with whom I have been working for the past two years, will enable a seamless managerial transition and ensure continued growth. I thank the company’s board of directors and the chairman Dr. Erel Margalit, for the great partnership in leading the company to achievements.” Peter Reynolds, ThetaRay’s new CEO, stated: “I am grateful to the ThetaRay board of directors for their trust, and to Mark Gazit for his work and achievements with the company to-date. I am ready and excited to lead ThetaRay to its next stage of growth and expand the company’s clients, partners, and business opportunities worldwide.” ThetaRay’s solutions are used by banks and governments to prevent financial crimes, with the company’s flagship product designed to mitigate risks in payments ensuring their client’s platforms are not used in fraudulent activities, money laundering, and other financial crimes. The